ANNUAL SALE || Take 30% off everything in the shop. Excludes Unique Eats & Eateries of Alabama.
Items will not ship until the week of January 20, 2025.
Gorgeous Italian Lidded Dish
Gorgeous Pastel Vase
Gurley Caroler and Taper Set
Hand Painted Bowl
Handpainted Bow Jewelry Tray
Heisey Sahara Coupe Glasses (4)
Herend Persil Vase
Holiday Dinner Napkins (4)
Hungarian Bouquet Candy Dish
Hunt Scene Mug
Incredibly Detailed Toby Jug
Just a Swallow Jigger
Khaki & White Tassel
Kurt Adler Ornament Set
La Fête Plates (6)
Large Green Toby Pitcher
Large Wall Soldiers
Lavender Jasperware Box
Lemon Pitcher
Lenox Pagoda Vase
Lidded Ceramic Basket
Lidded Porcelain Soap Dish